This page lists all the chants & practices in alphabetical order with links to the chants. (In the submenu, you can also view chant listings by the ‘categories’ used in The Magic of Hebrew Chant.) Click the chant’s name to see the full page for that chant.
Some chants have PDF files available with the chant’s information. You can find musical notations for the older chants in The Magic of Hebrew Chant. Some of the newer chants have the musical notation available as a PDF file.
Use the audio players to listen to the various parts of a chant. To listen in a separate browser tab (or window), click the musical note available above an audio player. To download and save a chant (or part of a chant), right-click (or Control-click) the musical note.
NOTE: If you’re using a mobile device, you may not be able to download and save files.
For the most recent chants see the New Chants & Practices page, which lists chants chronologically from the most recently added chant. For the Modah Ani chants, see the Flavors of Gratefulness page. For the Hallelu-Yah chants, see the Flavors of Praise page.
- A City of Peace: Az hayiti
- A Grateful Refrain
- A Lion in Hiding: Dov Orev
- A Mare Among Pharaoh’s Chariots: L’susati
- A Narrow Bridge
- A New Covenant: Natati
- A New Light: Or Chadash
- A Spirit of ‘Yes!’: V’Ruach nachon
- A Steadfast Heart: Nachon libi
- A Wild God
- Accessing the Highest: Va’azamra
- After the Fire
- Against the Terror of Night: Ish charbo
- Aging and Saging: Od y’nuvun
- Ahava Rabah
- Ahavti
- All Is One: Atah Echad
- All Love: Kulam Ahuvim
- All of My Bones
- Almost Divine
- Always With You: Va’ani Tamid
- An Appetite for Holiness: U-va-a-a
- An Invitation to Shabbat: L’chu
- Arise My Friend
- Ascending: V’al bamotai
- Ashrei
- Awake North Wind!: Uri Tzafon
- Awaken
- Awakening Compassion: Mi yachin
- Awakening the Heart: Hitor’ri
- Balancing Will and Surrender: Ozi v’Zimrat Yah
- Beaten and Bruised: Hikuni
- Becoming Holy: K’doshim Ti’h’yu
- Before I Knew It
- Beloved: Ani l’dodi
- Betrothal: V’Erestich-Li Olam
- Blessing
- Blessing of My Soul: Borchi
- Breakthrough: Ivru, Ivru
- Building the Holy Place: Vaasu
- Building the Intention for Love: Sham etayn
- By Day Your Love: Yomam y’tzaveh
- Calling Forth the Hidden Power: Kumah Adonai
- Calming the Restless Heart: Ach El-Elohim
- Catch Us the Foxes: Echezu-lanu
- Celebration in Praise: Kol Ha’n’shama
- Chanukah Chant: Let the flame be kindled
- Choose Life: Uvacharta Bachayyim
- Clean Hands: Mi ya’aleh
- Clearing the Way: Ana b’choach
- Come for Water: Hoy!
- Come, My Beloved: L’cha Dodi
- Coming Before You
- Dark and Beautiful: Sh’chorah
- Davkah
- Day and Night: Yom l’yom
- Delight: Az Titanag
- Devekut
- Divine Congratulations: Ki Mala
- Divine Embrace: S’molo
- Divine Rejoicing: Y’hi ch’vod
- Divine Rescue
- Divine-Love-Play: Hasaybi
- Dreaming: Ma y’h’yu
- EFR: Energy Field Re-charge
- Emerson ‘Modah Ani’
- Encountering the Living God: Tzam’ah Naf’shi
- Enfolded
- Entering in to the Larger Goodness: Mah Tovu
- Entering the God-House
- Even in the Darkness: Zarach BaChoshech
- Expanding Inner Space: Elecha Yah Ekra
- Eyes, Hearts, and Hands: V’Ha’ayr aynaynu
- Feast, Friends: Ichlu
- Filling Up: Sova