In My Time of Trouble

B’yom Tzarati ekra’echa, Ki ta’anayni
Graphic: In My Time of Trouble in Hebrew
In my time of trouble I call You, for You will answer me. (Psalm 86:7)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 86 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]

The hardest thing about spiritual practice is remembering to do it, especially when I feel triggered or anxious or depressed. So, this is a practice of installing a habit or pattern that in times of trouble I will call out to the Divine Mystery, knowing that I will be received. I know that God will respond to my call. God’s answer may not be the one I want or expect, but it will be the answer that I need. When I remember to turn towards the Great Mystery, I will be transformed by my turning.

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