All of My Bones

Kol atzmotai tomarnah, Yah mi Chamocha!
Graphic: All of My Bones in Hebrew
All of my bones shall say, “Oh God, who is like You!” (Psalm 35:10)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 35 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]

Yah Mi chamocha is an exclamation of wonder. Like WOW! The word for my bones also means my essence. So, when my bones are expressing this wow, I am allowing my core essence to communicate its amazement radiating out from my center. When I express this wonder, my bones come into alignment with the whole of life, and I just want to dance. My bones lead the way.

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To download the PDF file for this chant, click All of My Bones PDF. For the musical notation, click All of My Bones notation PDF.