Category Archives: Chants


V’Sharim k’chol’lim kol-maiyanai bach
Graphic: Sourced in Hebrew
Singers and dancers alike [will say]: “Everything flows from You.” (Psalm 87:7)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 87 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]

This is a practice of acknowledging, celebrating and being in complete awe of the miracle of Creativity. How wondrous that the flow of music, dance, innovation, invention, color, beauty and idea just keeps flowing. The artist of the holy awakens, through this sense of wonder, to the obvious and generous source in God.

To hear the chants, use the audio players. To download a chant, right-click a note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.

To download the PDF file for this chant, click Sourced PDF.

In My Time of Trouble

B’yom Tzarati ekra’echa, Ki ta’anayni
Graphic: In My Time of Trouble in Hebrew
In my time of trouble I call You, for You will answer me. (Psalm 86:7)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 86 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]

The hardest thing about spiritual practice is remembering to do it, especially when I feel triggered or anxious or depressed. So, this is a practice of installing a habit or pattern that in times of trouble I will call out to the Divine Mystery, knowing that I will be received. I know that God will respond to my call. God’s answer may not be the one I want or expect, but it will be the answer that I need. When I remember to turn towards the Great Mystery, I will be transformed by my turning.

To hear the chants, use the audio players. To download a chant, right-click a note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.

To download the PDF file for this chant, click In My Time of Trouble PDF.

Knowing You

Yayd’u ki-atah shimcha HAVAYAH l’vadecha
graphic: Knowing You in Hebrew
May they know You, whose name is BEING as One Alone. (All there is) (Psalm 83:19)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 83 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]

Illusions of separateness bring so much suffering into the world. When we finally know that there is only One of us, we learn respect, kindness and compassion. When we know that the Divine spirit permeates everything with holiness, we live differently. This is a prayer that all may know this essential truth, that there is nothing but God, and we are all connected in that Oneness.

To hear the chants, use the audio players. To download a chant, right-click a note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.

To download the PDF file for this chant, click Knowing You PDF.

New Moon

Tiku vachodesh shofar
Ba’keseh l’yom chagaynu
Ki chok l’Yisrael hu mishpat L’Elohai Ya’akov
Thursday Psalm Hebrew text
Sound a shofar at the New Moon…. at the moment of concealment/potential for our Celebration Day. It is a statute for Israel; it is a rule for Jacob. (Psalm 81:4-5)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 81 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]

We live our lives in the holy cycles of exile and return, forgetting and remembering, going out from ourselves and returning again to center. We cycle between being Jacob, the ego struggling to manipulate the world, to being Israel, the one who encounters God directly. Through our calendar and festivals we attune to the cycles of the moon whose waxing and waning reflects our own spiritual cycles. As awareness of those cycles deepens, the circles of our lives become spirals, connecting the mysteries of the universe with our own Center.

NOTE: This is the Thursday chant of the Journey Through the Daily Psalms chants.

To hear the chant, use the audio player. To download the chant, right-click the note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.

To download the PDF file for this chant, click New Moon PDF. For the musical notation, see The Magic of Hebrew Chant, page 302.

The Magic of Hebrew Chant ©2013 Shefa Gold. All rights reserved.

Judge the Land: Kumah Elohim

Kumah Elohim Shaftah Ha-Aretz
Tuesday Psalm Hebrew text
Arise God, and judge the land. (Psalm 82:8)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 82 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]

As we explore the inner landscape, we find places of shadow — corners of the heart that are unhealed or hidden in shame. We call on the God-force within us to rise up, to reveal the Divine perspective so that the entirety of our inner landscape can be bathed in Awareness.

NOTE: This is the Tuesday chant of the Journey Through the Daily Psalms chants.

To hear the various parts of the chant, use the audio players. To download a part, right-click a note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.

To download the PDF file for this chant, click Judge the Land PDF. For the musical notation, see The Magic of Hebrew Chant, page 300.

The Magic of Hebrew Chant ©2013 Shefa Gold. All rights reserved.