EFR: Energy Field Re-charge

Elohim y’chaneynu vivarchaynu ya-er panav itanu Selah
EFR Hebrew text
God grace us, bless us, may Its light shine among us, Selah (Psalm 67:2)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 67 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]

This practice can be used for protection, clearing, and for strengthening the energy field

1st Phase: Visualization and energy patterning

  1. Find a point of light deep in your belly and bring it up through the body, out the top of your head till it’s about a foot above your head.
  2. Weave an egg of light clockwise from the point above your head down the body till you reach a point at the bottom of the egg about a foot below your feet.
  3. Pull that point of light up through your perineum back to the beginning point in your belly.
  4. Connect the point in your belly to a point within your heart.
  5. Radiate out from the heart, filling the entire egg with a white/golden light.
  6. End by rooting your attention back in the belly.

2nd Phase: Visualization, energy patterning and breath concentration

  1. Find a point of light deep in your belly and bring it up through the body, out the top of your head till it’s about a foot above your head. ON THE INHALATION
  2. 2. Weave an egg of light clockwise from the point above your head down the body till you reach a point at the bottom of the egg about a foot below your feet. ON THE EXHALATION
  3. Pull that point of light up through your perineum back to the beginning point in your belly. ON A PARTIAL INHALATION
  4. Connect the point in your belly to a point within your heart. CONTINUE THE INHALATION
  5. Radiate out from the heart, filling the entire egg with a white/golden light. BREATHING IN AND OUT FROM THE HEART
  6. End by directing the breath into the belly.

3rd Phase: Chant, visualization and energy patterning

  1. Find a point of light deep in your belly and bring it up through the body, out the top of your head till it’s about a foot above your head. ELOHIM
  2. Weave an egg of light clockwise from the point above your head down the body till you reach a point at the bottom of the egg about a foot below your feet. Y’CHANEINU
  3. Pull that point of light up through your perineum back to the beginning point in your belly. VIVARCHEY
  4. Connect the point in your belly to a point within your heart. NU
  5. Radiate out from the heart, filling the entire egg with a white/golden light. YA-ER PANAV ITANU
  6. End by rooting your attention back in the belly on the word SELAH.

4th Phase: Chant silently with breath concentration

To hear the chant, use the audio player. To download the chant, right-click the note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.

For the musical notation, see The Magic of Hebrew Chant, page 272.

The Magic of Hebrew Chant ©2013 Shefa Gold. All rights reserved.