Emerson ‘Modah Ani’

This ‘Modah Ani’ chant is based on Ralph Waldo Emerson’s English words:

For each new morning with its light
For rest and shelter of the night
For health and food
For love and friends
For everything Thy goodness sends!

Modah Ani L’fanecha.
Modah Ani (I gratefully acknowledge)
L’fanecha (You… or literally, To Your Face… and the word face in Hebrew is plural, so even more literally… Your Faces)

For Rabbi Shefa’s thoughts about gratefulness, see her teaching Gratefulness as the Foundation of Practice. For other Modah Ani chants, see the Flavors of Gratefulness page.

To hear the chant, use the audio player. To download the chant, right-click the note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.

To download a PDF file with musical notations for this chant, click Emerson ‘Modah Ani’ Music.