God Returning

B’shuv Yah, Sh’vut amo, yagayl yaakov, yismach Yisrael
Graphic: God Returning in Hebrew
When God returns and restores the fortunes of His people,
Jacob will exult, Israel will rejoice. (Psalm 14:7 and Psalm 53:7)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 14 or Psalm 53 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]

Even when it’s looking bad, with bullies in charge, and the poor oppressed, and cynicism reigning its disguised terror … still we look to God who is stirring in us beneath our despair. In the depths of our captivity a vision arises: God returning to our midst to free us from greed, fear and the illusions of separation. As God finds a home within us, we return home to ourselves, to our joy, and to the truth of our connection.

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To download the PDF file for this chant, click God Returning PDF. For the musical notation, click God Returning notation PDF.