Chushah l’ezrati, Adonai t’shu’ati
Hasten to my aid,
O Lord, my deliverance. (Psalm 38:23)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 38 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]
When our burdens seem too heavy; when our thoughts are tangled; when we feel surrounded by enemies; when we’re at the end of our rope … it’s time to ask for help. When we surrender and realize that we’re going round in circles of futility, it is possible to step out of the trap of our complaint. Then we can stop, come to stillness and call out to the larger Mystery to save us from our smallness. Our deliverance comes not in anything being “fixed” but in opening to the widest perspective and getting out of our own way to allow for the unfolding of grace in its time.
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