Pi y’dabayr chochmot v’hagut libi t’vunot
My mouth speaks wisdoms,
And the meditation of my heart is full of insight. (Psalm 49:4)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 49 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]
This is an affirmation that as we step into higher consciousness, various aspects of wisdom overflow through us in speech, in song, in heartfelt expression. And our inner life becomes dynamic, with insights arising that help us to apply those wisdoms in our moment to moment everyday life.
To hear the chants, use the audio players. To download a chant, right-click a note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.
To download the PDF file for this chant, click Higher Consciousness PDF. For the musical notation, click Higher Consciousness notation PDF.