Birkat HaMazon

The commandment to say Birkat HaMazon, a Blessing for the meal, can be found in Deuteronomy 8:10:
Deuteronomy 8:10 in Hebrew

V’akalta v’savata uverakta et Adonai
eloheka al ha’aretz hatova asher natanlak.
“When you have eaten your fill,
give thanks to your God יהוה
for the good land given to you.”

The traditional Birkat HaMazon is composed of four main blessings and a series of invocations of God as the Compassionate One.

  • For the food.
  • For the Land.
  • For Jerusalem, and
  • For Goodness itself.

Rabbi Shefa has recorded several songs or chants that can be used as Birkat HaMazon. To listen to a song, use the audio player. To download an audio file, right-click the note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file. (You can’t download the songs from published CDs here.)

Birkat HaMazon

Back in 1987, Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z”l asked me to compose a new Birkat HaMazon. And so, after studying the traditional one, I created my own version, which included enthusiastic table-banging. To view the lyrics for this chant, click Yai Da Dai Birkat HaMazon PDF.
Ya Da Dai Birkat Hamazon  Right-click to download the MP3 file.

Brich Rachamana

Chazan Jack Kessler introduced me to a line in the Talmud that was a shorter version that could be said when you didn’t have the time to say the longer one. The words are in Aramaic.

Brich Rachamana Malka d’Alma maray d’hai pita
“Blessed is the Compassionate One, Sovereign of the Universe,
Master of this bread.”

I have composed a number of blessings that incorporate this phrase.

Birkat Hamazon from the Chanscendence CD
To purchase the CD or the song, visit OySongs.

Brich Rachamana #1   Right-click to download the MP3 file.

Brich Rachmana #2   Right-click to download the MP3 file.

Brich Rachmana #3   Right-click to download the MP3 file.

Brich Rachmana #4   Right-click to download the MP3 file.
Brich Rachamana Malka d’Alma maray d’hai pita (2x)
We thank You for this food
That fills our body and soul
We bless the Source of Life
Who heals and makes us whole

Brich Rachamana Malka d’Alma maray d’hai pita (2x)
We thank You for this Land
Beneath our dancing feet
We bless the Source of Life
Who gives us everything we eat

Brich Rachamana Malka d’Alma maray d’hai pita (2x)
We thank You for our friends
Who share the bounty of this meal
We bless the Source of Life
For all the pleasure that we feel

Brich Rachamana Malka d’Alma maray d’hai pita (2x)

Brich Rachmana Last Bite   Right-click to download the MP3 file.
While holding the last bite in your hand, chant:

Brich rachamana Malka d’alma, maray d’hai pita
God of Compassion, open my heart to You,
Let me receive Your Love in this!

Then eat the last bite.

Other Songs for Birkat HaMazon

During a meditation retreat, I noticed that I had a habit of reaching for the next bite, before I had fully savored the bite that was in my mouth. I remembered the commandment to eat, bless, and be satisfied… and I realized that the hardest part was the practice of satisfaction. And so I began to chant these words from the Ashrei prayer (Psalm 145:16) to help me fulfill the commandment of satisfaction. Later, I learned that this phrase was used by some traditional Jews as a Birkat HaMazon.

Potayach et yadecha umasbia l’chol chai ratzon (2X)
You open your hand,
I open my heart to this abundance (2X)
And all life, all will is satisfied. (2X)

Open Hand from the Hymnanence CD
To purchase the CD or the song, visit OySongs.

This Thanksgiving song was inspired by my mother-in-law. I won her over with this blessing.
Thanksgiving Pie Song   Right-click to download the MP3 file.
Read the Thanksgiving Pie Song lyrics or download the PDF.