Rabbi Shefa has presented teachings and written about many different aspects of Judaism, chanting, and other spiritual issues as part of her rabbinate. You can read these teachings by viewing the various submenus
- High Holy Day Teachings has HHD sermons that Rabbi Shefa has given.
- Other Jewish-specific Teachings focus on scriptures, liturgy, and Jewish life.
- Midrash on Torah
- Midrash on Haftorah
- Midrash on Tanach
- General Judaism
- Birkat HaMazon
- About Chanting presents articles and excerpts from The Magic of Hebrew Chant that Rabbi Shefa has shared.
- Spiritual Work focuses on general spiritual development and is not necessarily focused on Jewish practices.
- Pilgrimage has letters that were sent to participants in preparation for a pilgrimate to Machu Picchu. These include some spiritual practices that may be of interest to others.