Love at the Center App

Stepping onto the Path of Love

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For many years Rabbi Shefa Gold has been immersed in the holy text of the Song of Songs [Shir HaShirim] — learning its language, receiving its passion, and entering into the reality it describes: the giving and receiving of Love. Though the Song of Songs describes a very human relationship, it points us towards the refining of our relationship with God, the Great Mystery, a force that shines forth from within and beyond this world.

When Love flows freely between us and the Great Mystery,
the whole world is watered and nourished.

Living our lives by the Song of Songs

Rabbi Akiva taught, “Had the Torah not been given, we could live our lives by the Song of Songs.” He called this sacred text, “The Holy of Holies,” hinting to us that we must put love at the center.

Rabbi Shefa Gold’s Love at the Center app can guide you on the Path of Love. The app has a weekly reading from the Song of Songs, commentary, practices that help unlock the power of the holy text, questions to contemplate, a bridge to the Torah portion of the week, and many resources that can help you put Love at the Center.

The Love at the Center app is available for both iOS® and Android®. You can view relevant information, purchase and download an app from the appropriate store.

  • To purchase the iOS version of the Love at the Center app, go to the App Store.
  • To purchase the Android version of the Love at the Center app, go to the Google Play Store.

The Love at the Center app has the same content available through the Calendar for Shir Hashirim page at this website. Visit Love at the Center for an overview.