My Heart Is Moved

Rachash libi davar tov
Graphic: My Heart Is Moved in Hebrew
My heart is moved by goodness. (Psalm 45:2)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 45 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]

When I let down my defenses and make myself vulnerable, then all good things, even small good things, move me. My heart can be moved by a kind word, by a beautiful color, by a fragrant breeze, by compassion for another’s suffering, by a grateful smile, by a bird’s sudden flight, by a profound thought, by a gentle touch. The trick is allowing myself to feel, letting my undefended heart be moved. I must consent to that feeling rather than resist it, or let it skim over me, or rush to think about it and analyze the feeling or compartmentalize it. When my heart is moved by goodness, I may even be inspired to see goodness in places that I had previously ignored. And, in receiving the goodness of my life, I am cultivating my own inherent goodness.

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To download the PDF file for this chant, click My Heart Is Moved PDF. For the musical notation, click My Heart Is Moved notation PDF.