Kulam Ahuvim, Kulam B’rurim, Kulam Giborim
All Love, All Clarity, All Power
(from the Kedusha of Yotzer in our Shachrit liturgy)
The Kedusha is a prayer recited three times in three variations in our morning liturgy. It was created by the Merkava mystics to help us ascend to the angelic realms and remember our own true identity as chariots of the Divine Presence. The Kedusha describes and invokes the angels who are calling to each other. With this practice, we become those angels as we rise above the illusions of limited perspective and enter the truth of our love, clarity and power.
To hear the various parts of the chant, use the audio players. To download a part, right-click a note and save (or download) the linked MP3 file.
- All Love 1
Audio Player
- All Love 2
Audio Player
- All Love Mix
Audio Player
- All Love Mix from KZ Alumni Retreat 2017
Audio Player
To download the PDF file for this chant, click All Love PDF. To download a PDF file with the musical notation, click All Love music.