Rise Up

Kumah Yah, Ayl n’sa yadecha, al tishchach anavim
graphic: Rise Up in Hebrew
Rise Up, Oh God; Lift up your hand; do not forget the most vulnerable. (Psalm 10:12)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 10 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]

Knowing that God is ultimately not separate from me, I turn inward and call on the Divine power within me to rise up and manifest its awesome power. And then I am reminded to use that power in protection of the most vulnerable, both within me and in the world. This might mean guarding, with loving care, the holy, fragile places within me. Or it might mean protecting the rights and dignity of the poor, the refugee, the lonely, the outcast, the forsaken ones of my world.

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To download the PDF file for this chant, click Rise Up PDF. For the musical notation, click Rise Up notation PDF.