Shir HaShirim (Va’eyra)

Chapter 2:13-14

The fig tree is ripening
Its new green fruit,
And the budded vines give of their fragrance,
Arise my friend, oh beautiful one,
Go to yourself…

My dove in the clefts of the rocks
Hidden by the cliff
Let me see who you are,
Let me hear your voice,
Your sweet voice,
Your radiant face.

Yes, I have been hidden from my own eyes, and so hidden from You,
My only love. Hidden by shame in a crevice of the heart, I bend to fit this dark cave.
My voice has been muffled, my light dimmed.
My treasure —
     hidden away.

In the Fever of Love ©2008 Shefa Gold. All rights reserved.


Chant: True Face


The normal way of being is to live inside our thoughts about the world. We see what we expect to see. We’re busy trying to figure out how to use the world or protect ourselves from it. We are identifying threats or allies. We are comparing and categorizing. We are planning our next step. When those thoughts quiet down or cease being the focus of our attention, suddenly the world appears.

Surprisingly, it is more bright and beautiful and radiant than anything we could have imagined. Colors delight. Our curiosity is kindled. We can engage with what is before us and receive its gift, enjoying both the blessing and the challenge of this world. When we are paying attention and can become receptive, God’s true face appears as this world. In a moment of inner stillness, we can relax, enjoy and open as the sounds of this world become music.

Bridge to Torah

The Lover asks, “Let me see who you are.” The Torah of Va’eyra (I appeared) answers, I am YHVH — I am Being itself. I am the One that has been made visible to your ancestors, and now you can also receive that glimpse, but only if you journey to Freedom. Freedom is the key to knowing Me. The Lover asks, “Let me hear your voice.” The Torah of Va’eyra answers, telling us that when Moses calls the people to awaken, at first, they can’t hear him. Because of their impatience (shortness of spirit) and addiction to doing (hard slavery) they are unable to listen. We journey to Freedom inspired by whispers of “Your sweet voice.” We journey to Freedom inspired by glimpses of “Your radiant face.”

Click to see Exodus 6:2–9:35 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985) or the associated Torah Journeys page.

Questions for Contemplation

Can I quiet my mind’s interpretation of the world before me, so that I might encounter my world directly, without commentary, comparison, analysis, definition or judgment? Can I become receptive to the beauty before me as the face of God?


View Love at the Center Resources.
Click to see Song of Songs Chapter 2:13-14 in Hebrew with the English JPS (1985) translation.