SOULIFT February 2021


SOULIFT: Healing into Action

February 8-12, 2021
A Virtual Retreat

Rabbi Shefa Gold
with Cherie Brown

This was an entirely virtual retreat for activists and seekers who wanted to integrate nurturing their inner lives with taking principled actions in the world so that every action taken could be grounded in intelligent compassion, with awareness and with a both deeply human and a soul perspective.

Our sacred texts, liturgy and holy day cycle serve to install the story of Exodus deep in the psyche where we can call upon it to guide us on the journey of liberation. By attaining our own inner freedom, we can become liberators of a world that is enslaved by unconsciousness, greed, and the illusions of separation. These tumultuous times are requiring all of us to be stronger, more centered, and more courageous than ever before.

We offered practices and teachings to support us on this path. And we taught a set of tools developed from Re-Evaluation Counseling for healing early trauma — healing the grief, the fear, and the shame that get in the way of powerful, courageous leadership.

The sessions included: learning to pay attention to each other and help each other heal, doing personal work on the impact of oppression, working through feelings of powerlessness that make it impossible to sustain hope, opening our hearts to build deep connections that can replenish our spirits.