Strength and Peace

Adonay Oz l’amo yitayn, Adonay y’varech et-amo v’shalom.
Graphic: Strength and Peace in Hebrew
May God give us strength and the blessing of Peace. (Psalm 29:11)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 29 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]

Oh God, your voice thunders in great beauty, shattering all our plans and conceptions, leaving us vulnerable, defenseless yet filled with awe at the majesty of Your great power that reverberates through all Creation. We attune ourselves to this Divine vibration, opening to a nascent strength that emerges through our faith. In knowing that strength, we open to the blessing of peace, the blessing of wholeness, which is found in experiencing our interconnectedness with all of Creation.

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To download the PDF file for this chant, click Strength and Peace PDF. For the musical notation, click Strength and Peace notation PDF.