Va’ani b’tumi tamachta bi
Whenever I am in my integrity, I feel Your support. (Psalm 41:13)
[Click (or tap) to see the entire Psalm 41 in Hebrew and English (JPS 1985).]
No matter what difficulties or challenges I face, my commitment is to learn from everything, and to use all of it as a catalyst for awakening. And if I stay in my integrity, I know that I will be supported. Being in my integrity means always aligning and re-aligning myself with my highest soul-purpose. When I am living in authentic, whole-hearted alignment with my soul-purpose, I can lean into the Divine embrace that is forever holding me steady. In that embrace, I relax and enjoy the wild ride of being human.
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To download the PDF file for this chant, click Your Support PDF. For the musical notation, click Your Support notation PDF.